Physiotherapy Tirana


Dr. dhe Pedagoge Juljana Balla ,eshte themeluese e Inova Fizioterapi Tirane dhe tanime nje pike referimi e shume pacienteve, te cilet gjejne ne Inova Fizioterapi Trane, sherim dhe zgjidhje per problemet e tyre.

Dr. Juljana Balla ka studiuar dhe eshte Diplomuar ne Bachelor dhe Master ne fushen e Fizioterapi ne Universitetin ''Zoja e Keshillit te Mire''/ Tor Vergata, Rome,  dhe ushtron profesionin e fizioterapistes prej 12 vitesh.

Dr. Juljana Balla eshte angazhuar zyrtarisht si Fizioterapiste e Kombetares Shqipetare te Futbolllit te Femrave dhe njekohesisht edhe te te Under-19 vjecareve. Me pas Dr.Balla ushtron profesionin prane Spitalit  Amerikan 3, ku shquhet per Profesionalizmin dhe Humanizmin e saj.

Dr. Juljana Balla gjithashtu eshte Pedagoge e dy lendeve si Rehabilitimt Ortopedik dhe Terapia Manuale, ne Universitet qe nga Viti 2016.

Gjithmone e perkushtuar dhe e dedikuar kundrejt profesionit e pacenteve, Dr.Balla vazhdimisht e periodikisht,trajnohet ne kurse dhe programe me teknikat me te fundit bashkekohore ne Rome, Itali.


Some of the Physiotherapy Services and Treatments you will find at Inova Physiotherapy Tirana.

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy to relieve tension and for efficient healing from injuries!

Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Personalized rehabilitation programs for optimal physical recovery!

Rehabilitation Post Surgery

Personalized rehabilitation programs for optimal physical recovery!

Instrumental therapy

Therapy with machines and the latest certified technology.

Rehabilitation before and after birth

Necessary to ensure the well-being of the mother and the child! 

The pelvic floor and not only


Postural Reeducation

Technique necessary to restore the body's state of balance at the muscular and skeletal level.

Sports Trauma Recovery

Applies to patients who perform individual or group sports activities.

Dry Needling - Acupuncture

Medicine with special and specific needles that helps improve your physical condition.

Magneto Therapy

Electro-Magnetic Wave Therapy!

Tens Therapy

Therapy with Electro Muscle Stimulation


Shockwave Therapy

For therapeutic or aesthetic purposes they have specific frequencies and intensities.

Ached Away Skraper

Scratcher for specific personalized massages with heating.




Slipped Disc

Specific treatment for Slipped Disc and the consequences it brings to everyday life.

Therapeutic Massage

Relaxing and recuperative therapeutic massage

Rheumatology Rehabilitation

Specific diagnosis after surgical interventions

Inova Physiotherapy Tirana

Working Days Opening Time
Monday 09:00-19:00
Tuesday 09:00-19:00
Wednesday 09:00-19:00
Thursday 09:00-19:00
Friday 09:00-19:00
Saturday 09:00-12:00

Inova  Physiotheray Tirana

On the next page you will find the services offered at Inova Physiotherapy in Tirana in more detail, but also the contacts of Inova Clinical Physiotherapy.